REPORT CARDS went home today with ALL
MJHS students!!

🎃 Mrs. Woolford’s class is getting in the spirit of Halloween with pumpkin painting. Click the link to see more pictures. 🎃

Student Report Cards for The 7th Grade Experience were passed out TODAY! (Thursday, October 17th)

Reminder MJHS Students and Parents: No School Friday, October 18th for Teacher Professional Development Day

CONGRATULATIONS To Our 7th Grade All "A" Honor Roll Students!

No School on FRIDAY, Oct. 18th for Teacher Professional Development DAY.

CONGRATULATIONS To Our 7th Grade "A and B" Honor Roll Students!

Red Ribbon Week Oct. 28 through Nov 1. Get your gear together to show you choose to be DRUG FREE!

Happy Boss's Day!! We have the BEST!!

Attention Parents: AMI Packets Will Be Coming Home With Our Students on Tuesday, October 22nd!

Per Jonesboro's request, tonight's 8th grade football game start time, at Jonesboro MacArthur, has been changed to a 6:00 pm kickoff.

Reports cards will be going home with all MJHS students on Thursday, Oct. 17th.

We ❤️ the PATRIOTS!!!

Get Ready for Red Ribbon Week!

We have SPIRIT, yes we do, we have SPIRIT, how about YOU!!

🎨 Painting in the library. 🎨

⚾️. 8th Grade Baseball Tryouts ⚾️

It may be raining outside but we are seeing FALL colors in the library. 🎨

Homecoming Parade 2019

HOCO Parade 2019