On Saturday, MJHS choir students auditioned for the Junior High All Region Choir! We had 21 students make the choirs!

MJHS Awards Ceremony
Tuesday, Oct. 25th
8th grade/ 8:30
9th grade/ 9:30
7th grade/1:30

Miss Pitts’s 7th, 8th & 9th grade Drama Classes watched VPA’s Rock-Roll Forever!

The MJHS F.O.R. Club visited VPA magnet school to spread GOOD VIBES.

F.O.R. Club spreading GOOD VIBES at MST today!

Marion Jr High Soccer Sign-ups!

Choir Concert 🎵

B-A-N-A-N-A-S 🍌
It is banana day with the Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program at MJHs!

In World Geography, students played the vintage game, “The Oregon Trail”. Students recently learned about westward migration during the 1800s in the United States. The game helps them understand real struggles and forces them to use math skills and decision-making skills to survive the Oregon Trail.

Miss Rushing's 8th grade Honors English class colored BUTTERFLIES similar to The Butterfly Project to honor those who perished in the Holocaust. This activity was the beginning of the unit on the Holocaust.

Report Cards were sent home today!

Being a student-athlete takes time and dedication. Student athletes have to make sure that they have the grades to play sports. This VOLLEYBALL player was caught completing her assignments while cheering on her upper class teammates. 🏐

Red Ribbon Week

Report Cards will be sent home with the students tomorrow!

The Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program is underway for 7th & 8th grade students. These students are being offered fresh fruit options twice a week at the end of the day.

MJHS will be offering Flu Shots to staff & students on Friday, Oct. 14.

Lisa O’Neal stopped in at MJHS to drop off some Halloween Treats for the teachers. 🎃

MJHS is in full swing after the Fall Break!

Makeup School Picture Day
Thursday, Oct. 13

The MJHS FCCLA officers had the opportunity to participate in the Arkansas Region 3 FCCLA Leadership Training at Craighead Forest Park in Jonesboro. The officers participated in a number of team building exercises, met other officers from other chapters around the state and even participated in earning our chapter over 20 hours of community service by cleaning the park. In keeping with this years theme of Keep Arkansas Beautiful, our crew removed the largest amount of trash from the park overall! We truly have an excellent group of leaders honing their skills for the future! They make the Patriot family very proud!