Happy First Day of School!! 📚🎒🏫✏️
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
Happy 1st Day of School
Hip-Hip Hooray, school starts TODAY!!! 🎒📚🏫✏️
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
1st Day of School
First Day of School 📚🎒
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
First Day
First Day
First Day
First Day
Join the MSD bus driver team!
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
drivers needed
Find your school menus here.... https://www.msd3.org/o/msd/browse/72191
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Tomorrow is the first day of school. Click the link and add money to your child's EZSchool Pay Account. https://www.ezschoolpay.com/Login.aspx
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
School starts Tuesday, August 13th. We can’t wait to see you!! 📚✏️ 🎒 🏫
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
First Day of School
Correction - Breakfast starts at 7:15 a.m. every morning.
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
welcome back students
All Marion School District campuses welcome back students Tuesday, Aug. 13.
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
welcome back students
7th GRADE PARENTS: Some of the schedules that were passed out at Open House omitted the teacher room number. If you would like a corrected copy, they can be picked up in the office anytime before Tuesday.
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
Open House @ MJHS was a SUCCESS!!
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
Open House
Open House
Open House
Open House
Cell phones and earbuds may be used BEFORE and AFTER school ONLY, unless directed by an instructor for classroom lessons.
over 5 years ago, Marion Junior High School
Cell Phone and Earbud Policy
MJHS would like to welcome Principal James Scott. Please stop in at Open House tonight @ 5:30 to meet Mr. Scott and all the MJHS Staff. Be sure and pick up your child’s class schedule.
over 5 years ago, Amy Simmons
Principal James Scott
Dress Code for MJHS Students
over 5 years ago, Amy Simmons
Dress Code
Dress Code
Marion Patriots July Wrap Up Newsletter https://5il.co/99fr
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Another community opportunity for your family and friends!
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
backpack giveaway
Open House - Coming to a campus near you! http://marionar.apptegy.us/article/123365?org=msd
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Marion School District is now accepting Free & Reduced lunch program. Click the links provided. English: https://5il.co/92it Spanish: https://5il.co/95aa
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
PLEASE BE ADVISED: There has been a date change for INSTRUMENT RENTAL NIGHT for rising 7th Grade Beginning Band Members. The NEW MEETING DATE IS AUGUST 7th at 5:00pm. The meeting will be held in the 7th Grade Experience Building in the cafeteria.
over 5 years ago, Marion High School