over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Golf Tournament
Here are a couple of opportunities for MSD families to have some fun AND get ready for the new school year.
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
back to school bash
holla fest
Marion School District is now accepting Free & Reduced lunch program. Click the links provided. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/419363/Public_release.pdf https://www.msd3.org/o/msd/page/food-services--302
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Last Day of the Summer Feeding Program
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Last day of summer feeding program
MJHS Back To School Open House Night Tuesday, August 6th from 5:30-7:30 Pick up your schedule. Meet your new principal, and visit with your teachers.
over 5 years ago, Hannah Martin
Important Parent Meeting!
over 5 years ago, Marion High School
Parent meeting notice