MJHS got a sneak peak at the "Puffs" play preformed by the Drama Club! Make sure you check this one out. These kids have worked hard on their roles and the set is phenomenal.
Mark your calendars!
March 30th, April 1st @ MPAC
UPDATE: Due to the threat of dangerous weather, Friday's performance of "Puffs" has been canceled. The performance for tonight (Thursday) and Saturday afternoon will continue as planned.
⚽️ W-I-N ⚽️
The Art Club is working hard on creating unique pieces for the upcoming play "Puffs".
Arianna Hill represented MJHS and Crittenden County at the State Spelling Bee and placed 4th. Great Job!!!!
Please charge your LAPTOPS!
MJHS Boys & Girls Soccer play at home tonight!
Mark your calendars!
March 30th-March 31st-April 1st @ MPAC
Today was a GOOD Day!
Click the link for more photo fun.. https://photos.app.goo.gl/5gumdJG95RAWnzNQ8
It’s March Madness and today the F.O.R. Club recognized its "Sweet Sixteen”. These people help make MJHS a wining team.
(Target kindness -once a year …pinpoints some individuals who may not always be recognized. )
Thank you to all our targets honored today!
Art 1 practiced palette knife painting using colored frosting today! 🎨🖼
7th-grade Drama Students are working on props for PUFFS the upcoming play at MJHS.
MJHS Students attended the ACTM Regional Mathematics Contest. These students competed in the Algebra I competition; 2nd place Calvin Graham & 3rd place Tyler Williams. All of our students that competed received Honorable Mention for their high scores. Great Job!
MJHS Girls Soccer will be playing at home tonight @ 6 pm
Rainy days call for games and puzzles!
Mark your calendars!
March 30th-March 31st-April 1st @ MPAC
The Library Cinema Presents... Aladdin and the 5 senses.
7th grade pulled out all the stops on their Black History Door Contest. These students and teachers went above and beyond. Great job!!!!!
Mrs. Nash/ 1st place
Mrs. Brown/ 2nd place
Mrs. Ezell/ 3rd place
CONGRATULATIONS to 7th and 8th grade CHOIR! Both Choirs received Division 1 on Friday! That's the best you can get!
Arianna Hill will be representing MJHS and Crittenden County at the STATE SPELLING BEE.